The Bible emphasizes that our hearts — our source of will, emotion, and reason — are crucial to our spiritual health and our relationship with God. A change of heart is more than a shift in feeling; it’s a deep, transformative process that reshapes who we are from the inside out, aligning us with God’s will and purpose.
Trusting in God, Not Just Man
Jeremiah 17:5-10 (NLT) warns us against placing ultimate trust in human strength, cautioning us that relying solely on others (or even on ourselves) instead of God can lead to a barren life. A heart fully trusting in God, however, is like a tree planted by water, constantly nourished and never lacking fruit. This isn’t about distrusting people entirely; rather, it’s about placing our foundational trust in God, who alone knows the depths of our hearts. Our hearts can deceive us, leading us into harmful habits, corrupt actions, and misplaced reliance. Every evil throughout history has stemmed from a corrupted heart. But God didn’t give us “evil” hearts; He gave us hearts that can either draw us closer to Him or away from Him, depending on what we allow to shape them.
The Power of a Pure Heart
God blesses those whose hearts are pure (Matthew 5:8 NLT). Purity of heart allows us to see God, aligning our desires, thoughts, and actions with His will. As Jesus explains in Mark 7:21-22, evil intentions arise from within — but a heart submitted to God can overcome these tendencies. Luke 6:45 (NLT) speaks to the power of a transformed heart: “A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart.” True transformation begins when we recognize that only God can purify and sustain our hearts, shaping us into people who reflect His love, kindness, and integrity.
Circumcision of the Heart
Romans 2:29 (NLT) explains that true change is a “circumcision of the heart” — a process only possible through the Holy Spirit. This isn’t about mere outward obedience; it’s a heart-deep transformation that reshapes our motives and desires. To experience this, we must fully submit ourselves to God, relinquishing control and letting Him guide our spiritual transformation. Pastor Mel shared a powerful illustration: undergoing surgery for the first time, his greatest concern was surrendering control. Similarly, full submission to God is essential for heart transformation. The scars and pains that reside in our hearts often need healing that only He can provide.
Steps to a Changed Heart
1. Ask God Invite God to change your heart. Prayer and openness to His guidance are the first steps in any transformation.
2. Change Your Spiritual Diet Just as “you are what you eat,” your heart reflects what you feed it spiritually. Reading Scripture, prayer, worship, and surrounding yourself with godly influences help shape a heart aligned with God.
3. Change Your Habits Lasting transformation involves making practical changes to your daily habits. Small, consistent steps build a heart that becomes more like Christ’s over time.
4. Change Your Ecosystem Surround yourself with people and influences that reflect God’s values. Community, friendships, and even the media we consume play a significant role in shaping our hearts.
5. Prioritize God Reorganize your priorities, placing God first. When God is our foundation, all other aspects of life fall into place.
The call to change our hearts is not an easy one, but it’s essential. God doesn’t just want outward acts of obedience; He wants an internal transformation that redefines who we are at the core. As we embrace this change, let’s seek a heart that fully trusts God, overflows with His goodness, and reflects His light to the world. At Fortified Life Church, may we be committed to the journey of a changed heart, becoming people who are Real, Relatable, and Restored, all for God’s glory.